有着130年历史的全球联合之路(United Way)是全球最大的慈善组织,在全球41个国家和地区开展以教育、收入、健康为主题的慈善活动,它通过联合社区内的社会福利机构、志愿者、企业、政府机构等力量,形成以社区为单位的“社区资源网络”,更有效地解决当地的社会需求。在全球联合之路的主席兼首席执行官布莱恩·盖勒格(Brian Gallagher)看来,要维系如此庞大的社会网络,共同的目标是必不可少的,为了获得公众的信任,机构的运营必须保持公开和透明,要建立对错误零容忍的体系和文化,也要敢于直面互联网上的各种声音;中国的慈善事业正面临很好的发展机遇,挑战在于怎么去完善相关的法律法规,从而激励更多的普通人参与到慈善事业当中。
嘉宾:全球联合之路主席兼首席执行官 布莱恩·盖勒格
运营了130年的全球联合之路,United Way,是全球最大的慈善组织。
How would you evaluate development of Chinese NGO?
Trade was going up in GDP and so forth in this countries. You could put philanthropy and the same thing, as economies grow and become more mature and you know, you hear a lot about the chinese economy moving to a consumption economy. Well, that means people are earning more disposable money. So that's the big opportunity.
The challenge is developing laws and regulations which the government starting to do, you can't just have wealthy chinese driving philanthropy. You want average people also being involved in helping others. And so you have to have government, regulation and infrastructure tax incentive. And then a culture of giving, you know, starts to develop. But that's what I think is gonna happen in china. i'm almost one hundred percent sure of it.
There are certain parts of what you do in managing an ngo where business practice makes sense, accounting, finance, business planning, marketing strategy in some regards. But there are huge differences.
When people give an NGO money, they don't get anything in return. So there is no rational capital market for non profit business. It's an emotional market.
It's not efficient utilisation of capital, and internal, you know, rate of return and so forth. You can't run it that way. You instead run it through emotional connection. and you know, how is the human spirit connected to human need and how do you take resource and connected to community and to people in need? And when you do that, then the resource follows. And you lift. So you it's a long way to say It's not one or the other. It's both.
When the economy gets so big and complicated. And sometimes the rules, are more for wealthy people and not regular average people and lower income people, then that's gotten a little out of balance. And so the future of nonprofits is not just to raise money for what we wanna do, but it's to speak for those that need to be given the same opportunity.
The future of non profits will be, not what we need, but what do they need, and for business and government to start caring about them.
If we think only like a business, then we'll think about how to market ourselves better, how to get more money. How to be more efficient? And we have to do some of those things.
But the future of nonprofits to be successful is an, again digital technology and social media is a part of this, is when people again start saying I want to be a part of united way because they give me voice, because they let me amplify what I wanna say, and that's not to create social unrest. That's to create social cohesion, to make sure that people are the center of the contract.Again, that's the future of non profits, of the best nonprofits.